DoorPodâ„¢ (DP10)

DoorPodâ„¢ (DP10)
Starts to Work in 7 seconds...
7 Seconds to install on the door
No Tape or screws required
7 Minutes and the whole restroom is refreshed
Lasts up to 30 days
Verry Berry & Sweetest Pea - 100% recyclable
The amazing new DoorPodâ„¢ was invented for Eco-friendly users. Natural Earth-Essenceâ„¢ ensures the highest quality fragrances for eliminating any unwanted odors.
DoorPodâ„¢ Page, First impression Air Freshener simple swinging motion of the door activates the battery-free spray-free air freshener.
Earth Friendly Air Freshener
Refreshing Air in Seconds
Imagine using the world’s most earth-friendly air freshener - because it uses no batteries! You power it up by simply swinging the door. DoorPod catches the breeze and releases the fresh aroma of Earth-Essence™ natural fragrances out through the vented dispenser.
No Tools Required!
Simply peel the tape and stick DoorPod on the edge of any door.
In seconds you will notice the difference.
Refills are available in Santa Barbara Sea Breeze, Verry Berry, & Sweetest Pea. Because they are made out of ceramic/purified earth, Verry Berry and Sweetest Pea are 100% recyclable!